13 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Nordic Pole Walking

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

So you’ve taken your first steps into the world of Nordic Pole Walking and you have some questions. Wonderful! We keep a maintained resource for new and veteran Nordic Walkers that will get you out and moving in no time.

Our introductory guide Nordic Pole Walking 101 covers all the basics of Nordic Pole Walking, including the origins, benefits, equipment and technique of Nordic Walking.

However, it’s common for beginners to have one or two specific questions about the sport. With this in mind, we’ve collected this handy list of frequently asked questions.

Nordic Pole Walking - Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between Nordic walking poles and ski poles or hiking poles?

Nordic walking poles are specially designed for the Nordic walking technique. The hand loops on Nordic walking poles are designed to perform the correct technique and to achieve the most benefits for the upper body muscles. You cannot use hiking or ski poles for Nordic pole walking because they are designed for different purposes.

Should I use adjustable or non-adjustable poles?

There are advantages to both; however, adjustable poles are a one-size-fits-all solution that doesn’t compromise on quality and comfort. We strongly recommend beginners use adjustable poles to ensure they’re the right size and fit for them.

What is the correct nordic pole length?

The correct length of the poles is 65% of your body height. Here’s how it’s done:

Press your elbows to your sides and hold your arms out in front of your body to form a 90-degree angle. Now lower your hands 2 inches. This is the correct height for your poles. Adjust your pole grips to this height so they fit comfortably in your hand.

Can Nordic pole walking help reduce muscle and joint pain?

Is there less impact to the joints than with jogging or running?

Significantly. Nordic pole walking reduces the impact on your knee and hip joints by 30%.

Does Nordic pole walking improve neck and shoulder mobility?

Nordic pole walking significantly increases the lateral mobility of your neck and spine.

How many calories are burned in one hour of Nordic pole walking?

Nordic pole walking burns up to 46% more calories than conventional walking.

Does Nordic pole walking improve posture?

Nordic pole walking leads to stabilization in the spinal muscles and an upright body posture by the very nature of the exercises.

How much does Nordic pole walking increase energy consumption?

Nordic pole walking increases energy consumption by an average of 20%.

Is Nordic pole walking good for cardiovascular training?

Absolutely! Nordic pole walking increases your heart rate by approximately 15 beats per minute.

Which parts of your body does Nordic pole walking train/exercise?

Nordic pole walking engages 90% of your muscles and notably activates muscles in your upper body and arms.

Where can I Nordic pole walk?

You can Nordic pole walk on virtually any surface and just about everywhere.

On hard surfaces such as pavement, your poles should be fitted with rubber tips for optimal traction and shock resistance.

On clay, sand, soil, and grass, you can rely on your poles’ pointed ends to give you stability.

What equipment do I need?

You need a pair of Nordic poles, comfortable sneakers, and suitable clothing for the weather outside.

In the market for a pair of new Nordic walking poles, accessories, or replacement parts? We’d love to help!

Browse our store for high-end Nordic Pole Walking equipment and accessories.

A special thank you to our local walkers for all your support. We hope to see all of you out and active soon!